Friday, May 2, 2008

Ideas to work on

A filesystem on tags :) get rid of the old directory structure.. the entire fs should be one huge db and searched using tags. so no more will anything have to be manually organized or searched XD

Imagine Cup- A s/w that gives a model of a city which follows the rules of sustainable development

Headtracking Cetera- awesome concept to combine headtracking with cetera to give true virtual 3d experience

Amarok3d - a 3d media library for amarok.. makes looking at media much cooler

Compiz 90s plugin- a plugin that allows rotating along a fixed axis.. easy arrangement of windows :)

will explain the ideas later

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reg. filesystem on tags: if search is your primary requirement, you *should* be using a db. An fs is good at what it's supposed to do, i.e. store and access large amounts of organized binary data.